Face and Neck Lift for Men

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Facelift & necklift surgery are the most powerful options to address the signs of aging on the face and provide you with a more youthful look. As humans age there are multiple changes which affect our facial appearance, including descent of facial fat pads, decreased facial volume, loose and inelastic skin, and even changes in our bone structure. All of these changes contribute to a less youthful appearance over time. A facelift operation typically involves tightening an inner supportive layer of the face called the SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system), and then tightening the overlying skin. Tightening the SMAS helps to reconstitute the youthful position of the deep fat structures, and tightening the skin helps with decreasing lines and smoothing the skin. Following surgery, some patients look over ten years younger! Like most other aspects of surgery, there are different techniques and requirements with each face. Facelifts don’t change all aspects of facial ageing, such as eyelid and eyebrow appearance, and these are sometimes performed as combined procedures, depending on the need and patient preference.

Dr. McInnes was fortunate to learn his techniques by some of the most accomplished and sought-after facelift surgeons in Canada and Beverly Hills, California. He will show you before and after photos so you can appreciate the impact of a facelift and decide if it’s the right operation for you. The goal of facelift surgery is to provide you with a refreshed, significantly more youthful appearance that looks natural.


  • adults with significant skin excess and looseness in the facial appearance
  • adults with a relatively stable weight
  • Individuals without complex medical conditions that would increase the risks of surgery
  • Non-smokers


In addition to your medical history, Dr. McInnes will aim to determine your specific concerns regarding your facial appearance. Many patients will have specific concerns with their facial appearance, whereas others will simply say, “can you make me look younger”? Dr. McInnes will perform a comprehensive facial assessment and help recommend a suitable treatment plan.

Procedure Details

This procedure is done under general anesthetic. The directions of pull required are marked in the pre-operative area. Incisions are inconspicuously placed and most are not noticeable once healed. The skin around the edge of the incisions and the deeper tissue (the SMAS) are elevated and mobilized to allow for re-draping. Liposuction of the neck area may be performed based on need. After the skin and deeper tissues of the face and neck are tightened and carefully trimmed, they are meticulously sutured into position. Local anesthetic will be administered. Drains are usually placed for 1-2 days. You will then be gently woken up and transferred to the recovery room.


Following your surgery, dressing will be applied to your incisions. You will be given specific instructions on how to care for the surgical site, medications to apply or take orally to aid healing, specific concerns to look for, and follow up instructions with Dr. McInnes, who will likely see you in the next 1-2 days. You will also have his direct contact information should you have any concerns.

Results & Expected Outcome

The improved contour that results from a facelift will be apparent almost immediately following your procedure. It is common to have some swelling after your facelift that will subside as the weeks pass. Dr. McInnes will see you 1-2 days after your facelift and keep a close watch on things as you heal. Patients are generally advised to plan for 3 weeks off work depending on their occupation. Due to volume loss as we age, some patients will benefit from volumizing procedures after their surgery, such as filler placement and neuromodulators, to help augment the results of their facelift procedure.

Face & Neck Lift FAQ's

What medication will I be given or prescribed after surgery?

Dr. McInnes believes in multi-modal pain treatment as it has shown to be the most effective and decreases the use of narcotic pain medications. He will commonly treat his patients with a combination of acetaminophen (Tylenol), and a short course of low-potency narcotic. In combination with the numbing (freezing) medication injected at the surgical site, many patients are surprised by just how little narcotic medication they use.

When can I resume normal activity and exercise?

Following facelift surgery, it’s important to take it easy for 4-6 weeks. Over-activity can cause bruising and put tension on the incisions. Many patients are socially presentable after 10 days and able to return to work by their third week. Dr. McInnes will provide you with a detailed post-operative form to review before and after surgery.


There are risks associated with your surgery. Please download the consent form designed by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) for a detailed list and description of the risks involved (found here). Risks of surgery will be discussed prior to your consent. It is important to address all your questions directly with Dr. McInnes.


Prices for facelift and necklift surgery vary based on your individual surgical requirements, the exact procedures you require, and will be provided after your assessment.

Your quoted cost will include the following:

  • surgical facility fee and nursing staff fees
  • the anesthesiologist fee
  • all surgical supply costs
  • surgeon fee

Financing plans are available and are becoming an increasingly popular option.